Events Official opening ceremony of HDI Project community infrastructure interventions in Nuwara Eliya District with the participation of H.E. the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Sri Lanka, Mr. Lee Heon. Official opening of HDI Project community infrastructure interventions in Nuwara Eliya District by the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Sri Lanka, His Excellency Mr. Lee Heon. Official opening of HDI Project community infrastructure interventions in Nuwara Eliya District by the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Sri Lanka, His Excellency Mr. Lee Heon. Lighting of the traditional oil lamp at the National Conference on ‘Empowering Communities through Settlement Improvement in the Plantation Sector’ Held in Colombo in November 2017. Inaugural session of the National Conference on ‘Empowering Communities through Settlement Improvement in the Plantation Sector’ Held in Colombo in November 2017. Inaugural session of the National Conference on ‘Empowering Communities through Settlement Improvement in the Plantation Sector’ Held in Colombo in November 2017. Welcome address by Chanaka Talpahewa, Country Programme Manager, at the inaugural session of the conference. Expert panel discussion at the National Conference on ‘Empowering Communities through Settlement Improvement in the Plantation Sector’ held in Colombo in November 2017. Expert panel discussion at the National Conference on ‘Empowering Communities through Settlement Improvement in the Plantation Sector’ held in Colombo in November 2017. Interactive Q&A session at the National Conference on ‘Empowering Communities through Settlement Improvement in the Plantation Sector’ held in Colombo in November 2017. Interactive Q&A session at the National Conference on ‘Empowering Communities through Settlement Improvement in the Plantation Sector’ held in Colombo in November 2017. Participants at the National Conference on ‘Empowering Communities through Settlement Improvement in the Plantation Sector’ held in Colombo in November 2017. Participants at the National Conference on ‘Empowering Communities through Settlement Improvement in the Plantation Sector’ held in Colombo in November 2017. Field visit by KOICA to the opening of the concrete road and drainage system at Jeyalathpura pura in Agrapathana GND, Nuwara Eliya DSD on 14 November with the UN-Habitat officers and community members. Photo: UN-Habitat Sri Lanka Field visit by KOICA to the opening of the concrete road and drainage system at Jeyalathpura pura in Agrapathana GND, Nuwara Eliya DSD on 14 November with the UN-Habitat officers and community members. Photo: UN-Habitat Sri Lanka Field visit by KOICA to the construction site of the Child Development Center at Dunsinane Estate, Kotmale DSD on 13 November 2017 with UN-Habitat officers. Photo: UN-Habitat Sri Lanka Field visit by KOICA to the construction site of the toe wall and improvement of playground facilities at Liddesdale Estate, Walapane DSD on 15 November 2017. Also present are UN-Habitat officers and community members. Photo: UN-Habitat Sri Lanka Launch meeting of the HDI project . From left to right - Mr Chanaka Talpahewa, Country Programme Manager, UN-Habitat Sri Lanka; Ms. Ranjini Nadarajapillai, Secretary, Ministry of Hill Country New Villages, Infrastructure and Community Development; Mrs W.W.R.U.M Amarasekara, Additional District Secretary, Nuwara Eliya and Mr. Vadivel Puththirasigamoney, Chairman, PHDT. Photo: Shamir Shalih / UN-Habitat Q&A session at the HDI project launch meeting in Nuwara Eliya district.Photo: Shamir Shalih / UN-Habitat Launch meeting of the HDI project in Nuwara Eliya district with key project partners. Photo: Shamir Shalih / UN-Habitat UN-Habitat presents the key project information at the launch meeting of the HDI project in Nuwara Eliya district.Photo: Shamir Shalih / UN-Habitat Mr. Lee Dong-ku, Resident Representative, KOICA Sri Lanka and Mr. Chanaka Talpahewa of UN-Habitat Sri Lanka, signing the grant agreement. Signing the grant agreement between KOICA Sri Lanka and UN-Habitat Sri Lanka, Ground breaking ceremony held at Dayagama estate to build a Multi-Purpose Community Centre, Nuwara Eliya district. Community members participating at the ground breaking ceremony at Dayagama estate to build a Multi-Purpose Community Centre. 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