Build resilience to climate change and climate variability of vulnerable communities in Mullaitivu District of Sri Lanka

Funded by The Adaptation Fund
Budget USD 2,000,000
Implemented by United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)
Partners Ministry of Environment, Mullaitivu District Secretariat, Central Environment Authority; Department of Agrarian Development; Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources; Department of Forest; National Building Research Organization; Disaster Management Center, NGOs, CBOs, FOs, Women’s Groups
Duration 24 months (December 2023 to December 2025)
Location Three (3) Divisional Secretariat (DS) Divisions (Welioya, Maritimepattu, Puthukkudiyiruppu) of Mullaitivu District
Goal 1. To improve climate related socio-economic outcomes in the targeted fishing and agricultural communities through the implementation of community-based adaptation solutions
2. To support climate resilient development and increase institutional and community capacity to adapt to the changing and variable climate.


Mullaitivu District is considered as one of the most vulnerable districts to climate change in Sri Lanka. It frequently experiences disasters, particularly during the annual monsoon season. Droughts, floods, strong winds, lightning, and coastal hazards significantly impact the district, resulting in issues like water salinity, lack of drinking and agricultural water, water pollution, reduced crop yields, and increased soil erosion.

These challenges are worsened by factors such as poverty, limited income sources, financial exclusion, and restricted access to social protection. Consequently, the district faces difficulties in long-term recovery, intensifying the district’s vulnerability to climate change. The socio-economic resilience of Mullaitivu District is essential for the residents to cope and recover from shocks.


The Project

This two-year project was launched to address the challenges faced by the Mullaitivu District. The project comprises two main components; 1) developing resilient and adaptive livelihoods in the three (3) DS divisions in Mullaitivu District, namely Puthukkudiyiruppu, Maritimepattu, and Welioya, and 2) addressing capacity needs and gaps in adaptation measures that can reduce vulnerability to climate change and increase coping capacity.

While Component 1 focuses on reducing vulnerability to climate-related risks by providing infrastructure support and promoting climate-resilient agriculture and fisheries to enhance income and capacity, Component 2 aims to deal with climate change by developing climate change adaptation strategies through capacity building. It also involves facilitating dialogue among stakeholders, conducting awareness campaigns, and other initiatives in the targeted areas.

Expected Results

The outlined activities and expected outcomes of this project target the mitigation of vulnerabilities encountered by Mullaitivu, while fostering sustainable development in response to the challenges posed by climate change.

1.1.Reduce vulnerability of coastal communities by collaborating on (a) measures to minimize saltwater intrusion into freshwater bodies and agricultural land through 1km earth bund formation, (b) renovate 15 minor tanks for water storage, drinking and irrigation, (c) construct 22 disaster-resilient toilets and (d) renovate 3km existing evacuation route

1.2. Promote climate resilient sustainable agriculture and increase productivity with climate resilient crops

1.3. Increase income of vulnerable fishing households, in particular women and youth through value-added fish processing and rehabilitating 1.5km mangroves for improved lagoon fishery.

2.1. Participatory vulnerability/risk assessments to mainstream community-based climate change adaptation in local development plans and promote climate change/disaster resilient local development plans

2.2. Share knowledge and lessons through documentation of climate resilient actions for increased adaptive capacities

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