Emergency Support for Green Building in Mullaitivu District
06th September 2022, Mullaitivu, Sri Lanka: UN-Habitat initiated the project “Emergency Support Initiative for Green Building Based Prevention and Control Measure for Vulnerable Communities” with funding from the Government of Japan. The multi-country project is implemented jointly in three countries namely, Cambodia, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Six (6) Divisional Secretariat Divisions in the Mullaitivu district of Sri Lanka’s Northern Province have been selected to carry out the project activities.
The project’s specific goal is to assist vulnerable and marginalised communities in Mullaitivu district by providing solar panels, energy efficient cooking stoves, and maintenance training to a total of 165 beneficiaries and 21 common places in the district.
Mr. K. Vimalanathan, the Government Agent/District Secretary, presided over the project initiation meeting, which was attended by the relevant Government Authorities working at the district and divisional levels.
District Secretariat, Divisional Secretariats, Vocational Training Institute, Department of Samurdhi Development, and staff members from UN-Habitat took part in the meeting. The meeting was conducted in hybrid model.
Mr. K. Vimalanathan welcomed the participants and Mr. Laxman Perera (Human Settlements Officer, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific) explained about UN-Habitat’s engagement in providing the sustainable energy, leading the community to live healthier lives and safeguard a clean environment. Mr. Perera further highlighted the positive impacts of the project and thanked Government of Japan and people of Japan for the financial support.
The project selected the most vulnerable communities in need of urgent support. All the participants representing the community extended their heartfelt appreciation for the support provided.