Enhancing Interregional Knowledge Exchange and Capacities of National Governments in Lao PDR, Madagascar, South Africa, and Sri Lanka on Financing for Urban Sustainable, Net-Zero, Climate Resilient and Nature Positive Development for the Most Vulnerable Urban Communities
Funded by | 2030 Agenda Sub Fund as part of the United Nations Peace and Development Trust Fund (UNPDF) |
Budget | USD 176,000 |
Implemented by | UN-Habitat |
Partners | Colombo Municipal Council (CMC) and Wattala Mabole Municipal Council (WMUC) |
Duration | April 2024 – March 2027 (36 months) |
Location | CMC and WMUC area |
Objective | To enhance interregional knowledge exchange and capacities of national and local governments in Lao PDR, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, and South Africa for urban sustainable, net-zero, climate resilient and nature positive development for the most vulnerable urban communities. |
In a rapidly urbanizing world, cities are increasingly facing multifaceted crises. Globally, 70% of cities are dealing with the adverse effects of climate change. Hence, there is growing international awareness that cities are key to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and climate targets.
Cities are vital in delivering climate solutions and halting the destruction and degradation of natural habitats. As centers of production, population, and innovation, cities play a key role in the climate and environmental crises. The importance of cities for climate action, biodiversity conservation, and sustainability is highlighted in multiple global environmental agreements including the Paris Agreement, and the Conference of the Parties (COP26) Glasgow Climate Pact. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) adopted the Global Biodiversity Framework, which includes the first global target on conserving and planning green and blue spaces in urban areas, and endorsed the Plan of Action on Subnational Governments, Cities and Other Local Authorities for Biodiversity.
The project: Enhancing Interregional Knowledge Exchange and Capacities of National Governments in Lao PDR, Madagascar, South Africa, and Sri Lanka on Financing for Urban Sustainable, Net-Zero, Climate Resilient and Nature Positive Development for the Most Vulnerable Urban Communities is a component of UN-Habitat’s global flagship project Resilient Infrastructure for the Urban Poor (RISE-UP).
The Project
Recognizing heightened climate, biodiversity and unplanned urbanization risks and vulnerabilities in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS), and a lack of access to climate finance, this project will enhance capacities of national governments in LDCs and SIDS, especially Lao PDR, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, and South Africa, on financing for urban sustainable, net-zero, climate resilient and nature positive development. It will mobilize finance for accelerating climate adaptation and resilience efforts where the cascading and compounding urban risks and vulnerabilities are the highest.
The project will assess multi-layered urban risks and vulnerabilities to climate change, biodiversity degradation, and urbanization, propose responsive action, and prioritize the development of bankable urban climate action proposals in LDCs and SIDS. These will be presented to climate donors, investors and funds to accelerate access to climate finance. The project will further highlight the urban multi-layered vulnerabilities of climate change, biodiversity degradation, and urbanization at important international fora such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) COP 27; CBD COP 15; and the World Urban Forum (WUF)12.
In Sri Lanka, the project is being implemented in the Colombo Municipal Council (CMC) and the Wattala-Mabole Urban Council (WMUC) areas.
Expected Outcomes
- Enhanced interregional knowledge exchange and strengthened capacities of national and local governments in Lao PDR, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, and South Africa to understand local multi-layered risks and vulnerabilities (climate change, biodiversity & urban) and develop appropriate response options.
- Strengthened capacity of national and local governments in Lao PDR, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, and South Africa to develop appropriate bankable climate action projects in support of the most vulnerable urban communities.
Key Deliverables
- Training workshops for national and local government officers and technical staff on local Multi-Layered Risks and Vulnerabilities.
- Local-level urban Multi-Layered Risks and Vulnerability Assessment Reports (MVA)
- Long list of urban climate action solutions
- Climate action project proposals based on prioritized climate action solutions identified through MVAs.