Urban Governance Launch of the State of Sri Lankan Cities 2018 Report and training on the Database at Kurunegala MC by UN-Habitat and SLILG. Photo: UN-Habitat Sri Lanka Launch of the State of Sri Lankan Cities 2018 Report at the Jaffna MC in January 2019 by UN-Habitat and SLILG. Photo: UN-Habitat Sri Lanka Training on the State of Sri Lankan Cities Database for Anuradhapura MC officers by UN-Habitat and SLILG in January 2019. Photo: UN-Habitat Sri Lanka Local level consultations in Anuradhapura.Photo copyright: UN-Habitat Sri Lanka Group work at the local level consultations with local authorities and other agencies from Colombo, Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte and Dehiwela-Mount Lavinia Municipal Councils on the State of Sri Lankan Cities Report, held in March 2018. Photo copyright: UN-Habitat Sri Lanka Group work at the local level consultations with local authorities and other agencies from Colombo, Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte and Dehiwela-Mount Lavinia Municipal Councils on the State of Sri Lankan Cities Report, held in March 2018. Photo copyright: UN-Habitat Sri Lanka Local level stakeholder consultations held at the SLILG, Colombo in March 2018 for the State of Sri Lankan Cities project. Photo copyright: UN-Habitat Sri Lanka Local level stakeholder consultations held at the SLILG, Colombo in March 2018 for the State of Sri Lankan Cities project. Photo copyright: UN-Habitat Sri Lanka Representative from the Tourist Board explaining the data that could be useful at the local level consultation for the State of Sri Lankan Cities project held at SLILG on March 12, 2018.Photo copyright: UN-Habitat Sri Lanka Training provided by the Sri Lankan Institute of Local Governance to local authority officials helps support improved urban governance. Photo copyright: Charlene Liau.